Monday 17 March 2008

Walk cycle

the picture above is probably the best reference i could find for the walk cycle.
it defenatly beats the standard walk cycle that only shows you one. even though it also probibly explians that every walk cycle is different.
al least this one shows different actions aswell. they are all quite over exagurated to emphasise the movements.
there is also a guidline of how far of the ground they should be.
i guess what im taking away from this reference point is not how to animate the actions, but how to expess feelings. like the double bouce, the character would be very happy.
or how the guy with the strut is cocky, or the guy with the shuffle is upset or down.
it'll still help as a guideline to animate but i know thta even if the timing is perfect the walk cycle will be rubbish without the charcters expressing feeling when they walk, just like we do!

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