Wednesday, 12 March 2008

The story

Ive not written a script yet, i figure that if it is my idea being used it'd be better if it was made as a group, instead of me telling them what we will be doin, this is my style, my idea, my imagination, and its completly different from anyone else. im hoping that who evers idea we chose we will all have opinion over it. but my story idea goes as follows:

It will start off with the characters walking to work from each of their different directions.
They will all be singing a song about morning sun and happy little wonderful things.
(it will not all be lipsynced as this would be waywaywayway too much work!)
once all the characters are at work their will be a short time centrered in on each of them. G perhaps starting at a wall, Pesty killing a little old pensoiner, and more suited to each of their characters. 
After this is will concentrate on an annoying customer being served by whom is not decided yet.
it will be a sort of musical argument between the two.
To end it all the staff will gang up on the customer, jumping him and endin gthe day with a big high five!!

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