Thursday 6 March 2008


Now ive done the initial sketches for my characters ive starting looking at the animation styles/techniques i could use. Mainly through good old wikipedia but also researching in a few animation books i have. Ive decided against adapting the looney tunes over egadurated style and looking more towards Disneys squash and stretch techniques. Although my drawings are not going to be as detailed or including any of this "hyper-realism" It kind of hard to explain. It will be quite cartoony like the likes of family guy, as im not the best of drawers, and since there is a limited amount of time i'd like to concentrate more on the actual animating techniques to improve my skills, seeing as after this module thats it for 2d and anything i want to create i am going to have to do on my own.

the website above was the most helpful. it has all the basic principles it will defenatly help me develop my style with contobution from the classic principles.

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