Thursday 6 March 2008

Flash V.s Toon Boom

i think its difficult to say that flash is better than toon boom or vice versa.
its like stating that 3d is better than 2d in a way. Yes they are both 2d animation packages but in my opinion they both dominate the markets 
they are specifically aimed at. Flash is defiantly better for animation
made of the Internet,
whereas toon boom would be more suited for television animation.
The simple reasons for my opinions are as follows:
Flash has its own coding, action script which is well suited to producing different animations, rules etc. 
It has certian better tools than toon boom but most of 
these are more suited for creating web animation. It is a very handy tool for making executable files like games and animation that can be seen all around the Internet.
Whereas toon boom has tools like exposure sheets, and help with lip syncing, things that are more commonly needed when producing animation for television.
It its better suited for drawing, and has a layout like a
computerized version of traditional 2d animation.
This is why i don't think that you can compare Flash and Toon Boom. 
I think they they are superior at what they are best at.
Perhaps people may disagree but this is my personal opinion

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