Monday 17 March 2008

Walk cycle

the picture above is probably the best reference i could find for the walk cycle.
it defenatly beats the standard walk cycle that only shows you one. even though it also probibly explians that every walk cycle is different.
al least this one shows different actions aswell. they are all quite over exagurated to emphasise the movements.
there is also a guidline of how far of the ground they should be.
i guess what im taking away from this reference point is not how to animate the actions, but how to expess feelings. like the double bouce, the character would be very happy.
or how the guy with the strut is cocky, or the guy with the shuffle is upset or down.
it'll still help as a guideline to animate but i know thta even if the timing is perfect the walk cycle will be rubbish without the charcters expressing feeling when they walk, just like we do!

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Lyrics/Dialogue example

there is no script yet and was hoping that writing some lyrics would be a group production.
but this is a kinda if idea of what im aiming for:
(also like i said before not all this will be lip synced. the camera will be moving around so the audience doesnt get bored, im sure ill be able to think of a few techniques to help)

customer walks up to counter

bamby: hello, hello, hello and welcome

customer: grunts

how may i help you?

customer: grunts

bamby: can i suggest something?

customer: will you shut up and let me decide!

music abruptly stops. As Bamby starts singing every word, the staff slowly crowd around the customer.


 You ingrateful, annoying, rude, person, how dare you! how dare you! how dareee youu!
               You will pay, you will pay, you will pay!

All the staff jump on the customer and a traditional looney toons like fight ( where all you see is clouds and stars) appears.

the blog

there is so much more that i could have put up here i think, just kind of scratching the surface. im feeling quite motivated to make this animation. i hope i get to. we decided we would just pitch our ideas...guess ill just need to be as enthusiastic tomorrow.
i wasnt too keen on this blog thing to be honest, it kind of showed at the beginning, i hate these things really, its trying to make it personal like even though you're not talking to anyone.
im not completly convinced but i can defenatly admit it has kept all my work orginsed and in the one spot, something im not the best at doing.
the modules been pretty fun so far, ive not technically learned anything new ive just gain a lot of knowlege on subjects that i was needing to improve on.
it was good to look back at the techiques like squash and stretch, that we were shown in first year. Im hoping when it comes to making the animatic that it helps. im sure i cant get any worse so heres hoping!

Character Spec

Character name : Bamby

Sex: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: curly hair, very big eyes, innocent look to her. walks very lightly, like she is walking on her tiptoes.

Personality: Generally very nice until a customer annoys her, kind of like a split personalitly.

Likes: Everything but customers

Dislikes: Customers

Rules: Never missbehaves unless she is annoyed, always wins an argument.

The story

Ive not written a script yet, i figure that if it is my idea being used it'd be better if it was made as a group, instead of me telling them what we will be doin, this is my style, my idea, my imagination, and its completly different from anyone else. im hoping that who evers idea we chose we will all have opinion over it. but my story idea goes as follows:

It will start off with the characters walking to work from each of their different directions.
They will all be singing a song about morning sun and happy little wonderful things.
(it will not all be lipsynced as this would be waywaywayway too much work!)
once all the characters are at work their will be a short time centrered in on each of them. G perhaps starting at a wall, Pesty killing a little old pensoiner, and more suited to each of their characters. 
After this is will concentrate on an annoying customer being served by whom is not decided yet.
it will be a sort of musical argument between the two.
To end it all the staff will gang up on the customer, jumping him and endin gthe day with a big high five!!

2D vs 3D??

i remember last simester during animation theory this question came up. We also had to do a presentation about it. 3D defenatly is the future, it cant be stopped. Does not mean its better than 2D. I do love my Disney, Famiy Guy and a lot more, mostly from my childhood but nowadays i am prob into 3D more. 
Its the technology thats got everyone hooked. I dont think it will wipe out 2D but things have changed alot since the days of A trip to the moon. I mean if someone pitched an idea to Blue Sky, Pixar or some other leading animation company that they wanted to go back to hand drawn, recording images, technicolor stuff theyd be thrown out the door.
Although Disneys not going down without a fight but if his next animation which is completly hand drawn is not successful then it will be back to mooching off Pixar for animation.

Character Spec.

Character name :  Div

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: Dresses pretty much like your average ned, socks tucked into trousers, cap sitting right on the top of his head. Very nervous and twitchy.

Personality: Not much of a singer he most goes around with a terretz like syndrom. He can't help but shout out Techno! every now and then. Pretty harmless all the same but.

Likes: Dance Music, Jumping about

Dislikes: His twitch, People in general.

Rules: Has to twitch every 30 seconds and say techno. Not allowed to harm customers.