Thursday 28 February 2008

The first of a few sketches for character design. Not the final design i think it may have to be a little more simple for animating but this is what i had in mind.

The character is very slow and sleepy looking.
His walking style will be a mixture between someone half asleep and how a monkey walks.
He will sing and talk in a very low monotone sound.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Anamatic Ideas

I have a few ideas running through my mind right now most are ideas ive wanted to do in my spare time that ive never gotten around to doing.

The first one is after watching a short film nominated for an oscar this year. It was an animated version of an interview. I thought it would be fun to try and select one of my favourite songs and animate how it makes me feel/what i think it means. I dont know if it would be possible, plagirism and all but i might  come back to this one even if it is done in my spare time.

another is animation based on some characters develpoed for a short test at cut paper animation. Dont have a story exactly but theres plenty of random things that i could have the characters do, im sure after some more thought il be able to come up with one.

and finally my favourite:

Subway: The Musical!

A close look into the day to day lives of five employees going slowly crazy in the sandwich shop, Subway.
The continuous mind numbing tasks have turned them into customer hating drones who occasionally like to burst into song!
Theres the manager G-Man, a monkey who has worked there so long that the only way he can survive is being constantly stoned.
A little piglet, Pesty, a crusher of mens dreams and killer of pensioners.
A little deer nickmaned Bamby for her innocent looks and big eyes, the bad influence of the group.
A hippy like bear nicknamed Chewwie for his sheer hairyness. 
And the newest addition to the gang Div. A cat who constantly dances and cant help shouting out Techno!! every minute or so.